Power Athlete Methodology - Level One - Semester 009

Embark on the hero's journey; learn the tried and true methods to unlock athletic potential.

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Searching for legitimate Strength and Conditioning info can be exhausting. Let us take the heavy lifting out of it.

We've sifted through the bullshit.
We've gone straight to the legitimate sources.
We have boiled it all down to what works best.

The result is a 136 page workbook, 9 online course sections, 44 lessons, and over five-hours of video lecture. Say hello to Level One of the Power Athlete Methodology online curriculum: Unlocking Athletic Potential.

Walk away with:

  • A turnkey, tried and true strength and conditioning program
  • A set of proven methods to increase strength, power, and speed
  • Coaching principles that will unlock techniques for mastering the barbell lifts
  • Tactics for increasing agility, top end speed, and acceleration
  • Eligibility to apply to be a Block One Power Athlete Coach

In this online course, John Welbourn and the Power Athlete crew guide you through an accelerated education experience diving into the Power Athlete Methodology to groom you to be a Power Athlete Coach.

As a ten-year NFL veteran, John Welbourn has had the privilege of learning from some of the world's most prominent coaches. He has traveled the world teaching and learning. His staff has spent the past five years documenting, researching, and testing the methodology to bring you the Power Athlete Methodology curriculum.

Level One will leave you with a plug and play, tried and true set of principles that will not only unlock the secrets behind Power Athlete's foundational program, Bedrock, but will also empower you to evaluate any program! The principles are universal to training and should be the foundation of any strength and conditioning program.

The content in this course is centered on movement, life-cycle programming, and nutrition guidelines, with the consideration of unlocking athletic potential and Empowering Performance.

Join us in the Battle against Bullshit and help us Empower Performance.

For all NSCA coaches, the Level One course has been approved for 1.5 CEU’s. All participants that are NSCA members will receive documentation verifying their completion of each activity for their CEU File.

If you are in need of a refund prior to the start date of your semester, please contact [email protected] to make arrangements to withdraw your enrollment and return your workbook. You will be responsible for associated shipping costs.
Once your workbook is received your refund will be issued.

Get started now!

The Level One Workbook

This course includes a hard copy of the Level One Workbook unlike any other. When you enroll, you will select whether you want a paperback or hardcover workbook.

This workbook follows the online course content and has been formatted for note taking. In addition to course content, the Workbook also includes a foreword from John Welbourn, Power Athlete CEO, a full glossary of key terms, and the Bedrock Toolkit.

The Bedrock Toolkit is a comprehensive implementation guide that bridges the gap between the concepts behind the program and the practical implementation in various coaching environments. The toolkit includes:

  • Bedrock modifications
    • 2 day, 3 day, 4 day per week
    • Special populations
  • Bedrock conditioning guidelines
  • Speed & Agility drills, guidelines and best practices


Tex McQuilkin
Tex McQuilkin

Course Curriculum


Section 1 - What is Athleticism?

1.1: Defining Athleticism
1.2: Primal Movement Patterns and Axes of Rotation
1.3: Seamless and Effortless
1.4 Movement through Space
1.5 To Accomplish Known or Novel Tasks

Section 2 - Principles of Training

2.1 Principles of Training
2.2 Overload
2.3 Reversibility
2.4 Accommodation
2.5 Specificity
2.6 Individuality
2.7 Primal Movement
2.8 Accelerated Adaptation
2.9 Compensatory Acceleration
2.10 SAID Principle

Section 3 - Primal Education

3.1 Biomechanics Breakdown
3.2 Primal Squat
3.3 Primal Lunge
3.4 Primal Step Up
3.5 Primal Vertical Push
3.6 Primal Horizontal and Vertical Pull
3.7 Primal Horizontal Push

Section 4 - Posture and Position

4.1 Why We Lift Weights
4.2 Universal Athletic Position

Section 5 - Novice Athlete

5.1 Unlocking Athletic Potential

Section 6 - Athletic Performance Traits

6.1 What is Strength?
6.2 Force Reduction
6.3 Force Production
6.4 Compensatory Acceleration

Section 7 - Speed

7.1 Speed 101
7.2 Speed Position
7.3 Speed Patterning
7.4 Speed Programming

Section 8 - Nutrition and Recover

8.1 Nutrition 101
8.2 What to Eat?
8.3 How Much?
8.4 Cooldown and Recovery

Section 9 - Programming

9.1 Bedrock Programming
9.2 Bedrock Progression
9.3 Rep and Adaptations
9.4 The Novice Window
9.5 Bedrock Resets
9.6 Base Level of Strength

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the Power Athlete Methodology course start and finish?

Sessions will be unlocked for students on June 1st. Students will have access to course content for 12 months. The semester 009 begins June 1, 2019.

How long will it take me to complete the course?

This course is designed for you to complete at your own pace, and total time depends on your learning style and availability. You will be signing up for 5+ hours of video lecture, a quiz for each lesson, a 30 question final exam, and ~45,000 words of reading. Each video lecture ranges from 2 min to 60 min, the readings vary from 400-2000 words, and quizzes are between three and eight questions. If you put in four to eight hours a week you are looking at a three to four month commitment .

Is there a maximum number of students per semester?

Yes. Only 100 spots will be available per semester, and we are targeting 3 semesters each year.

How can I communicate with my instructor and other students in my class?

Each lesson allows students to leave questions or comments for the course instructors and engagement among other students specific to each topic is highly encouraged.

Are there, like, test and quizzes and stuff?

Yep. Every lesson concludes with a multiple-choice quiz to test the key takeaways. The course concludes with a multiple choice final exam. For those looking to apply to be a Power Athlete Coach, you must score a 70% or better overall grade for the course to be eligible. Each lesson has a submission form for notes that must also be completed. These notes will not only aid in your absorption of the material, they'll also demonstrate aptitude and ability to advance in the Power Athlete Coach development process.

Sh*t, I didn't pass, can I get a do over?

Contact your instructor to further discuss retesting.

Is the course mobile and tablet friendly?

Yep. All Power Athlete Academy courses are fully responsive, and can be accessed on any of the devices that you own.

What am I getting into here; is this course for coaches only?

Nope. This course is for anyone who wants to reap the greatest gains from their time spent training. Learn what matters, and when to apply it so you stop wasting your time.

Do I have to apply to be a Power Athlete Block One Coach?

No, application to join the Power Athlete Coach's program is not required. As stated above, this course is open to anyone who wants to be a better coach or athlete, or wants a firm grasp on strength and conditioning. However, it is strongly encouraged to join the team!

Does the Power Athlete Methodology only apply to sport athletes?

The Power Athlete Methodology is universally applicable. It doesn't matter if you are a 10 year NFL Pro like John Welbourn, a rec league MVP, a sprinter, baller hurdler, wrestler, surfer, lifter, drifter or soldier. Or a chump stuck behind a desk wanting to change their life. True empowerment stems from unlocking your athletic potential; and the Level One course provides you the knowledge to make that happen.

What secret lifts and percentages are we going to learn?

None. They don't exist. And we will tell you exactly why that is. We've scoured through strength and conditioning text books, interviewed coaches and scientists, and experimented with everything we've learned to develop the Power Athlete Methodology. This course is the first step to understanding our findings without having to dig through it all yourself. You're welcome.

Can I share my login info with my spouse, partner, coaches, kids, pets or priest?

No. Absolutely not cool. Log in information and course content is restricted to one user per account. If you are found out, you will be blacklisted from all future Power Athlete courses and events, and will be denied current and future application as a Power Athlete Coach or Facility.

Get started now!